Sweet memories put a good big smile on our face, like our inner child just got into the best cakes shop ever. Our heart frames them forever. Imagine how beatiful our heart is, wearing all those good memories glowing like Christmas lights!
Sweet memories put a good big smile on our face, like our inner child just got into the best cakes shop ever. Our heart frames them forever. Imagine how beatiful our heart is, wearing all those good memories glowing like Christmas lights!
Your cakes and cookies are… dated and your kids are already looking for something new? It`s time to remember that anything tastes better with chocolate! Try this fast way to… refresh your sweet leftovers and your kids will love you even more!
This is a challenge for both, kids and parents, a very colorful and full of flavor one. It will help you discover new healthy tastes and also combinations. Endless experiences which will give you the chance to spend quality time in the kitchen with your kids.
This is a great idea to warm up your soul and to make your little ones enjoy healthy cheese when they don`t usually like it. You can cook it two ways, boiled or deep fried, and also salty or sweet version, it`s up to you and your dear ones` cravings. I can only assure you it works great both ways, even this will be your first kitchen experience!