This is a versatile sauce recipe you can use it on a regular base, especially when you are on diet and the chicken breast is no longer on your favorite list. You can also use it anytime you have no time to cook and your meat leftovers don’t look too inviting.

Mix one cup of 0% fat yogurt with the same quantity of 0% fat cottage cheese, one teaspoon of Dijon mustard, because it doesn’t have sugar and starch, and it gives a little spicy kick to your sauce. If you like it hot, you can use a tablespoon of Dijon. Check for salt, sprinkle some garlic powder, dill powder, and about a cup of finely chopped cucumber, pickled or not, and your sauce is ready to go just like that, but you can also add it in a deep pan, together with your one bite chunks of meat leftovers and bring it to a boil. Yummy for your tummy!

It is a good combination even when you are not on diet, replacing the 0% fat yogurt with Greek version. It is also a versatile recipe, because you can keep the… milky base and replace the Dijon with tomatoes puree, no sugar or starch, or you can add chopped chives instead of garlic powder, and so on. It takes one minute to mix everything and you can enjoy a high protein diet with a little help of this warm or cold sauce and your brilliant imagination.

It works even as a fast and healthy sweet treat, keeping the… milky base and adding sweetness pills, vanilla, almond, or rum extract and some cocoa powder!

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