“Grandpa, look at my big smile! Remember you promised me you will teach me how to draw a portrait using only simple smile lines? I think now it’s the perfect time to teach me! I want to draw your portrait and Grandma`s too, for Valentine`s Day!”
“Grandpa, look at my big smile! Remember you promised me you will teach me how to draw a portrait using only simple smile lines? I think now it’s the perfect time to teach me! I want to draw your portrait and Grandma`s too, for Valentine`s Day!”
Everyone can do this, no matter… age or drawing skills! All you need is to dare a little more and, of course, a pencil or a pen to draw the crossed lines my way and turn them not just into an orange grumpy cat with green eyes but even into other animals or objects you can only imagine right now.
The teacher asks kids to draw or paint the way they imagine God looks like. In the end of the one hour class, she was really disappointed of Charlie`s drawing.
Never knew how to draw any of your favorite animals or birds, you only do… flowers or snowflakes? We could change this right now, starting with a different flower pattern. After all, this is all about when we talk about reverse-lives, my blog! Turn something bad into something great!