Spectacular parfait

Mix one cup of Mascarpone cheese with two tablespoons of cream and two tablespoons of honey until it gets the consistency of a creamy Greek yoghurt.
Add a splash of vanilla extract, if you want a summer fruity parfait, or a splash of rum essence, or coffee espresso, if you want a… crunchy cappuccino taste parfait. You can also mix it with one teaspoon of cocoa, if you love chocolate.
You need a mix of fruits slices, usually blackberries, raspberries, apricots or strawberries, if you want the fruity parfait version, put some fruit slices on the bottom of glasses, jars or cups and cover with your creamy mascarpone, decorate it with some fruits and hazelnuts or walnuts on top and keep it in the fridge for an hour. It’s delicious.
For the crunchy version you have to replace the fruits with chocolate or vanilla crashed biscuits and decorate with nuts and some chocolate sauce or cream.
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