Sometimes good is… wrong
If you want to make someone else’s wish comes true before your own wish, you should think again! Maybe that person secretly wishes you the worst life ever!
What do you choose to do first, your own wishes come true, or other people’s wishes, without even knowing for sure what they wished for?!
You shouldn’t look for who’s right or wrong, you should only take care of yourself. It doesn’t help you at all when you have a problem caused only because you thought acting right will make others do the same. Who cares you were right? You have a problem only because you didn’t know to put yourself on the first place, instead of let others act first.
You are on your own and you have full responsibility to achieve your goals, you can’t hope being nice with a neighbor will stop him acting wrong for you. It’s against nature to act wrong for you and good for the rest and nobody will respect you doing this. You can’t be respected if you don’t respect yourself.
Always remember there are no rules, sometimes the good is really good, and sometimes good… is wrong. It’s like a number which can be good if you measure your weight in pounds, and can be bad if you measure your weight in kilograms.
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