Last minute yummy snacks

Do you have unexpected guests and you need some quick and delicious snacks to… impress? Try these tapas, Spanish little snacks! Trust me, your kids and your dear ones will love you even more!
Did you know Spanish people invented tapas long ago, so they could protect their precious wine? While they were partying, flies and bees were flying around their glasses, “landing” in the sweet Spanish wine. So, people were covering their wine glasses with small slices of bread with smoked fish, cream cheese and olives or tomatoes on top, and so on! These are the ancestors of these days uncovered sandwiches!
Now, enough with old stories, you need some fast but not furious action! Remember to always keep in your kitchen Graham crackers, Mascarpone cheese, Greek yogurt, lemons, smoked salmon and hot smoked bacon. You know, for… culinary emergencies!
Mix one cup of Mascarpone cheese with half a cup of Greek yogurt, salt and finely chopped chives and dill, about two tablespoons each. Make a mini snack with a Graham cracker, a teaspoon of cheese cream and put a slice of smoked salmon or bacon on top. These little guys are super delicious and are also easy to prepare and to eat, so get ready to make as many as you can!
The same old Graham crackers and Mascarpone cheese will help you have some sweet… tapas, too! You could mix the cheese with some concentrated lemonade, spread it on crackers and sprinkle some lemon zest on top! Yummy and superfast and easy to enjoy them!
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