“Grandpa, look at my big smile! Remember you promised me you will teach me how to draw a portrait using only simple smile lines? I think now it’s the perfect time to teach me! I want to draw your portrait and Grandma`s too, for Valentine`s Day!”
“Grandpa, look at my big smile! Remember you promised me you will teach me how to draw a portrait using only simple smile lines? I think now it’s the perfect time to teach me! I want to draw your portrait and Grandma`s too, for Valentine`s Day!”
This is the recipe that will turn any boring day into a Valentine`s Day sweet celebration, for sure! All you need is to sprinkle some extra love in your… kitchen and it doesn`t take long before you and your partner could enjoy the most exquisite homemade chocolate you’ve ever tasted!
Cine are nevoie de un anume pretext pentru a vorbi despre iubire? Un cantautor american spunea foarte frumos că ”iubirea este să înveți cântecul din inima cuiva și să i-l cânți atunci când simte nevoia mai mult”! Să vorbim despre cel mai minunat sentiment trăit de om, căci Dumnezeu este iubire, cu părintele Marius Moșteanu!