Perfumes are like people

Imagine people are like seasons, grandparents are the winter, parents are the fall, lovers and partners are the summer and children are the spring!
Perfumes are like people. Some are heavy and warm like grandma`s cinnamon and apple scent for Christmas, some are a little too spicy or too sweet like celebrating fall`s Halloween and Thanksgiving Day with our parents, some are bubbling, fresh and playful like our kids enjoying the best of Mother Nature despite the moody spring weather. Finally, some are mysterious, bitter sweet but also fresh like our fruity summer ice cream with our lovers and partners.
Some are wearing big famous names, some are… ordinary brands and people! You`d be surprised to discover amazing notes where you didn`t expect any!
You can`t wear the same perfume at work and at a late dinner party. Also, you can`t wear a bubbling, refreshing spring or summer scent all day long, or all year long. Sometimes, you find yourself buying the same perfume even you can’t feel it or you don’t like it anymore. Maybe you need to buy a new fragrance just to help you appreciate more your favorite scent, man, woman…
Sometimes you remember a bad moment of your life or you feel annoyed without a certain reason because you are feeling a perfume, or… meeting somebody. Don’t be afraid to leave behind perfumes and people, if you are no longer happy with them, but before you change something, make sure you’ve done all your best.
Move forward and discover new scents and people, new ideas and places. Dare to change something old instead of being stuck with. There are always new fresh or… homey places, perfumes, or people waiting for you to discover and enjoy.
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