God created the holly Sunday so we could stop working, look around and thank Him for what we’ve accomplished so far. It is always important to stop from time to time and enjoy our life the way it is and thank God for it.
God created the holly Sunday so we could stop working, look around and thank Him for what we’ve accomplished so far. It is always important to stop from time to time and enjoy our life the way it is and thank God for it.
Even when you`re a black coffee drinker, you need to indulge yourself from time to time! Yes, it should be sugar in it and yes, it will work great with a piece of cake or even with some ice cream, but let`s face it, you will enjoy every single drop of it!
Living like there is no tomorrow is kind of… anticipating the worst. Yes, it is perfect trying to do as much as we can everyday but trying to do all at once is exhausting and, sometimes we dissipate our energy starting more projects than we can accomplish.