“Good willing” parents

“Do you want to see your mom crying? Stop acting like a little boy, Christopher!”
Or the… girlish version of this emotional manipulation:
“Eat like a little lady, Emma, if you don’t want to look bigger thank Texas and live alone for the rest of your life!”
Sometimes, “good willing” parents, or grandparents are bullying their kids without even notice that! Kids are afraid to talk to their parents about been bullied at school, for the same reasons they were bullied home by their own parents!
Kids start thinking they are not good enough so they could please family and, from a very young age, they make a goal from doing anything to get an appreciation word from their parents. Sometimes, these words never come and the grown-up kids, already young or old adults, end up sabotaging themselves, looking for excuses, or problems, instead of daring to live their life at its max, looking for solutions! Kind of “I am not looking good enough to be appreciated or to be loved”, “I’m a crier and mom told me big boys don’t cry”, and so on! It looks pretty much like emotionally sabotaging themselves.
The same pattern could work even when they postpone their own happiness: “I can’t wait to see you old enough to go to school, or to college”, and when they finally see their kids at that age, they complain because of the empty nest situation!
Remember: happiness is a state of your mind, and you need to practice it, every moment of your life. It doesn’t matter how good or bad your family education was, you have to remember you are the best for yourself, you are the leading actor and director of your own life movie, so be happy unconditioned!
Stop looking for reasons not to dare for your best wishes, and dream big, looking for solutions!
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