Refresh your sweet leftovers!
Your cakes and cookies are… dated and your kids are already looking for something new? It`s time to remember that anything tastes better with chocolate! Try this fast way to… refresh your sweet leftovers and your kids will love you even more!
Boil 11 tablespoons of sugar with 3 tablespoons of water until the sugar is melted and add 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder, stirring from time to time until this sweet sauce turns a little thicker. Stop boiling and mix it with 9 ounces of butter and a tablespoon of vanilla extract. You should wait to cool the glaze a little before your cakes and cookies will get a new… chocolate face.
This recipe is enough for bringing your old cookies to the next level but you can also add some cream or ice cream on top of it, to make the leftovers looking and tasting even better! It’s a super yummy recipe and it could be used even with fruits, shredded or cut into slices.
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